10 Proven Fitness Tips To Help You Lose Inches



Fitness and New Year Resolutions

Fitness and weight-loss are the buzz words for many New Year Resolutions. Gyms across the world will be flooded with new memberships this week. Most of these members will drop out within days or weeks, dumping their fitness goals. 2 years ago I joined a gym for the first time in my life. I wasn’t sure how long I was going to last . To my own surprise, two years later, I’m still using my gym membership regularly.In this post, I share tips that helped me stay the course to achieve some  of my fitness goals.

Like many of you reading this, I have had issues with my weight for a long time. When I was younger, I exercised consistently and mostly for fun. Swimming, walking and dancing with friends was a natural part of my life. The more the responsibilities, the less time I spent on exercising .

Two and half years ago, I woke up feeling completely out of shape and ill. I had gone through several medical issues that had left me depleted and feeling hopeless. I had prayed and cried and then prayed some more. It was time to make change!

I’m sharing these tips to encourage you not to give up on your fitness goals. Improving my fitness is still a daily struggle, but I made up my mind not to give up. These tips helped me lose 5 dress sizes ( 2 to go!) and helped me gain a whole new perspective on fitness. I know they will help you too!


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1.Seek Professional Advice

The first thing I did was talk to my family doctor. I can’t over emphasize the importance of seeking professional medical advice, before you start any physical fitness changes. I used every professional resource that was available to me including a nutritionist and a fitness instructor. Based on the professional, consultations, I came up with a very personal detailed plan that worked for me.

2.Talk To Friends .

The second thing I did was contact friends and family who had recently achieved major fitness goals. I asked them for their best advice on how I can succeed. Thankfully, they were all forth coming and encouraging. They each gave me some pointers that I took and tweaked to fit my situation . I also read and watched many success stories to keep me motivated.

3.Write Down Goals.

This is such a simple and yet powerful way to focus on your fitness journey. Did you know that you are more likely to succeed at you goals by simply writing them down?  Write down specific attainable goals (not vague resolutions) and the reasons why you are doing this. Specific goals will keep you accountable and give a way to evaluate your work. The goals need to be attainable and reasonable or you will discourage yourself and give up. Writing the reasons you are doing it will help you to keep going,on difficult days.

4.Schedule your Exercises.

Plan and schedule for your work out. If you are a morning person, don’t leave this till the end of the day when you are exhausted. For me, late night work outs fit me just fine. What ever time is best for you , make it one of your priorities and stick to it. You may have to say no to some good invitations, so you can exercise, but your are worth it!

5.Start Small and Build up

The first step to reaching any goal is the most important. It doesn’t even matter how long your first work out is, just start! For beginners, aim for a 20 minutes brisk walk. If you breeze through it, add another 20. If you barely made it, that’s okay too. It gets a little easier with time. 20 minutes is a good start because that’s about the time  endorphins , the feel good hormones,kick in. I see this  as my reward for sticking with it. Get you heart pumping and sweat a little.

When I started, I could barely walk 30 minutes, without stopping. Today, I can walk for two hours without a break. I can also use the elliptical trainer or Arch trainer at the gym for an hour and half! I have had to push myself to get here and I’m actually beginning to enjoy my sessions.

6.Lift Weights.

In addition to heart pumping exercises , find some light weights (5 lbs or 2 kg) and start to do some strength training . Lifting weight has been known to accelerate weight loss and protect your healthy muscles weight.

7.Make Friends with your water Bottle.

It’s amazing how this one habit can incredibly better your well-being. All body chemical reactions happen in water. The benefits of staying well hydrated are so understated. Water flushes out toxins, keeps your skin supple and treats fatigue and headaches, to mention but a few benefits . As your exercises level increases, so does your water out put. So, replenish regularly. 8-10 glasses of water a day is the recommendation.

8.Feed your Soul while you Work.

At the beginning, you need to focus your mind on the work at hand. However, while working out I say distract yourself with something you are passionate about. Pray like crazy . Listen to uplifting music, a motivational speaker or a favorite TV show. Watch time fly and inches melt away, while you do something worth while.

9.Celebrate your Wins

As a result of keeping a journal, you can track your progress and easily identify your successes. If you notice your clothes fit a little better, celebrate that. I f you can walk uphill a little easier after 4 weeks, celebrate that. If you lost a couple of pounds ( or kilograms) last week , rejoice over that! If you missed a work out because you had a crazy or lazy week, don’t beat yourself up. Recommit to your goals and aim to do better next week. If you fall, get back up, dust yourself and keep going.

10.Develop a balanced healthy view of your body.

If we start with understanding how treasured and loved we are by our Creator, we are more likely to take care of our bodies. Your worth is not determined by the number on your scale or dress tag. You are worth it , period! I wrote an in-depth post on this subject. Check it out.

Developing a new fitness routine is challenging but achievable. It’s hard work but it’s possible. I’m here to attest to that. If I can be of any help, feel free to contact me. God bless you and give you strength to meet your goals and do the seemingly impossible!

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Worth all that book

I keep on disciplining my body, making it serve me so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not somehow be disqualified. 1 Corinthians 9:27


You can find healing and hope after brokenness.

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