Introducing The Wellness Book: Worth All That

I'm so thrilled to introduce to you my book WORTH ALL THAT. It unveils a vulnerable personal struggle of self acceptance and finally finding balance and wellness. The launch of this book is a testimony of God's gracious shower of renewed hope in my life. It's a labor of love that will help you to get started on your wellness journey.

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 Wellness is so much more than losing weight. I believe wellness is a quality healthy balance between your body and soul. It's expressed in the way you care for yourself as well as how you relate with the people in your life.

The book is an easy read loaded with gems and nuggets that will get you motivated to start your wellness journey.

It comes straight from my heart to yours, with much prayer.  Get a copy for yourself today for $7.00

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In this book you will find: 

  • My personal wellness journey
  • How to deal with emotional eating
  • How to get past the all important"first phase"
  • Connection between forgiveness and weight-loss
  • How to write a wellness vision
  • Delicious meal plans
  • Easy to follow exercise plan
  • Motivational scriptures and a prayer guide

Background to the Book

A few years ago, I found myself completely out of shape and feeling ill. I had gone through several medical issues that left me depleted and feeling quite hopeless. I had prayed and cried and then prayed some more, and knew it was time to make the change. The change came after much prayer, detailed research, professional help and hard work. By the end of those three years, I discovered a whole new perspective of my true worth. I'm now thriving in the body God gave me.

Bridget Wint book

In WORTH ALL THAT, I share the valuable gems and nuggets I learned as I went through my wellness process.  This is an offer of hope to others who are in similar situations.

I especially concentrate of the first phase of your wellness journey because it happens to be the most challenging phase where many people give up hope. It's my pleasure to walk with you and to urge you to pursue your awesome wellness goals.

Bridget Wint

Master of Science in Christian Counseling Master of Science in Biblical Studies Associates Degree in Science and Education



Bridget’s first book is just like her – thoughtful, insightful, practical, and filled with wisdom, love and humor!  She has given easily applicable methods to begin the journey to better health, sprinkled with hope and encouragement.  I highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a plan to successfully increase their health and lose weight in a manageable, day-to-day way!  It is as blessing, as is the author! 

LINDA BUSH CANNON, Life/Health/Wellness Coach, Blogger, Pilates Teacher; founder of Cannon Cross Coaching

 Bridget Wint has provided us with a very practical resource for improving our overall health and fitness. you will find in her book, Worth All That, a wealth of practical guidelines for implementing the suggestions she offers. She shares her story of how God led her to improve her own health, and then in little bits and pieces, teaches us how we might do the same. I have seen very few books pack so many helpful insights in so few pages. I highly recommend this book!

DR. JAMES LEARY, Founder, The Hope Podcast; Regional Executive Director, Mid-Atlantic Mission

Bridget really reaches into the core of the problem. Most if not all weight problems stem out of deep heart issues. What makes this book unique and inspiring is that she fights the battle spirit, mind and body. She knows that the Enemy wants us to feel insecure and therefore hinder us to be fully actualized in Christ. She puts Jesus right in the middle of her conquest and this is why she succeeded with so much grace. When we are healed from the inside,change is possible on the outside. I totally LOVE her menu suggestions; they are well balanced and delicious!! This is not a diet, it's a change in lifestyle that will bring beautiful transformation from the inside out and the weight will stay off!!

CORNÉ STONE, Registered Nurse and Missionary, Global Outreach Foundation, South Africa

 Who is this book for?


If any ONE of the following apply to you, this book is for you.

  1. You've been  advised to lose weight ( for your health), but you don't know where to start.
  2. You are at your ideal physical weight but need encouragement with your overall wellness.
  3. You've started and restarted your wellness journey many times over, only to stop in frustration.
  4. You need insight into overcoming emotional eating and getting rid of your emotional weight
  5. You struggle with finding time to exercise.
  6. You need a game plan for loving yourself at any size.


You can find healing and hope after brokenness.

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