Prayer Principles from the Movie War Room


Photo Courtesy of Josh Kennedy

Photo Courtesy of Josh Kennedy

The Movie War Room is about the far-reaching influence of a dynamic prayer life. It’s a beautiful demonstration of  what a  powerful weapon  prayer is. It can touch lives with persistent love, forgiveness and transformation.  It shows  an older godly woman, mentoring a younger woman, by teaching her the valuable lessons she had learned on her knees.  In this post, I share with you the lessons and principles I learned from the godly older woman in WAR ROOM.

1.  Wall of Remembrance

When things get tough, it’s easy to forget answered prayers from the past. The older woman had a designated wall in her house, where she posted a collage  of major answered prayers.   This conspicuous wall was there to remind her of  how faithful God has been.  Documenting answered prayer, in a journal or on a wall is a powerful way to remind us of God’s goodness, when our failing hearts forget.  I believe this can also help us pass on our faith to the next generation.

2.  The Beauty of  Mentorship

Mentoring is about  investing into another person’s  life .  Passing  on valuable lessons you have learned on your journey. Mentoring others is a loving way to show them where the ‘”landmines” are.  That way, they don’t have to step into the same landmines you step on. This theme goes a long with  the principle in  Titus 2 :3-5 . Older women are called to train younger women,  to love their husband and children.

War Room demonstrates how we are to teach other wives to seek the Lord and how to fight the right way.

3.  Secret Place

Have a place where you meet with God regularly. A secret prayer closet. The location doesn’t matter . It just needs to be a place with no distractions . Go in with a prayer strategy:  Study Scripture , get right with God, confess your sins and accept God’s forgiveness. Don’t rush your prayer time . Pray for your husband, your kids and every one who needs it.

4.  Fight the right Battles

There is  a warrior ready to awaken in all of us. The reason we are so defeated is because we are fighting the wrong battles. We fight people, instead of the enemy. The real enemy is the Devil, who comes to steal, kill and destroy.  But when we  submit to God, and  resist the Devil, he will flee! That’s how we can  cast him out of our marriages and homes.  This is how we can take our joy back !

3.  It’s not your job to “fix” your  Husband

A wife’s  calling is not to fix her  husband.  She is  to love , respect and pray for him.  She is not to waste time whining, complaining or listing  her husband’s shortcomings. Marriage is not a buffet where you pick and choose. You marry the whole package. God’s grace is  so easy to accept for ourselves, but not easy to extend to others. Pray for a heart that gives out the same grace you long to receive.

4.  God is your best Lawyer.

Step down from your throne, if you want victory. Let God fight for you and let God bring the victory.  Express your need for God and surrender. Let God do the heavy lifting.  Seek Him, trust Him and stand on His word. He is the best lawyer in town!

5.  Your prayer life will influence your Kids.


Children  watch all we do and see where we take our problems. They learn how to fight from us. If we take our struggles and battles to God, they will learn to do the same.

6.  Restitution is part of Repentance

Restitution is the act of returning something that was lost or stolen to its owner .  An answered prayer doesn’t  always look pretty. It might mean losing a job or paying back what was stolen. True repentance brings about  the willingness to accept consequences of wrongdoing.

Despite the discomfort of facing the consequences of our sins, God’s forgiveness and grace  always gives us a fresh start.

7. True  contentment is found in God alone

You are His (Jesus) before you are his (your  husband)! Your deepest contentment should not and cannot be in your husband. God alone meets our deepest need for unconditional love and fulfillment. This takes away the unfair pressure of demanding that  another human being should live for our contentment.

My favorite line in the movie:

I would rather have a man chasing after Jesus, than a house full of stuff!



Also Check out my wellness eBook Worth All That. In WORTH ALL THAT I share the valuable gems and nuggets I learned as I went through my wellness process, as a way to offer hope to others who are in similar situations.

Wellness is so much more than losing weight. I believe wellness is a quality healthy balance between your body, mind and spirit. It is expressed in the way you care for yourself as well as how you relate with the people in your life.


You can find healing and hope after brokenness.

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