Effectively Cleanse Your Heart From Verbal Attacks


Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.Ephesians 4:31

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23

Toxic malice.

Have you ever experienced one of those mean, maliciously tailor-made attacks? The ones that leave you stunned, disoriented and nauseated? I have had a few of those! These painful attacks can take a long time to recover from, if left unchecked. Through prayer and reflection, you can recover faster and more effectively. You can flush out this ‘human venom’ as I call it, by doing a prayer detox or cleanse. The older I grow and the closer I get to Jesus , the less time I spend digesting human venom. Malicious attacks are very toxic! 

By definition, Malice is  “The intention or desire to do evil; ill will.

Lessons from a Cyber Attack

A few days ago, I had a nerve-wracking malicious cyber attack. I was downloading a program that seemed safe. Without warning, the cursor started doing all kinds of weird things. I tried to redirect the mouse I but couldn’t! Within seconds, the attacker had closed up programs, logged off the internet and restarted the computer. I had lost complete control of my computer!


When I alerted my husband, he immediately turned off the internet connection. He closed off the source of the attack in order to clean up the computer. It took a lot of effort, time and energy to clean up the infiltration.

Personal attacks can happen just as fast and viciously as cyber ones. They often catch us unawares and  vulnerable. The goal of a malicious attack is to harm or manipulate you. Baseless accusations and attacks have destroyed many lives. Like a snake’s venom, harsh words can infiltrate your being and cause damage. That’s why it’s important do a regular cleanse (detox) and flush  your system.

Recognizing Calculated  Attacks

Not every one who hurts you is out to hurt you. Some hurt you unintentionally or out of ignorance. In fact, misunderstandings and hurts are just part of relating in a fallen world. In this case, we are to take the time to understand, forgive and ask for forgiveness. In this context, constructive criticism and feedback can help you grow

Calculated,methodical and intentional haters are in a whole different class. They can do the most damage. An outright attack is not meant for your growth.  You have to cleanse it out  of your system before it takes root. I used to think that regularly taking in human venom is the Christian thing to do. Why? To see what I can learn from it. When I realized the health implications this was having on me, I knew I had to change.

 The purpose of venom is to paralyze and eventually kill the victim

Here is an effective cleansing (detoxification)  process you can use to flush out and cleanse human venom from your system.

Disconnect from the Source .
  • Physically remove yourself from the attack.
  • There is nothing godly about bathing yourself in human venom or vomit.
  • Seek support from someone safe and reliable.
Do an in-depth prayerful scan of your heart.
  • Look at your Emotions – How are you feeling about the attack? Denial never solved a problem.
  • Look for symptoms – What are the outward expressions of how you feel?
  • Look for potential problems – What problems are the symptoms causing, in your relationships or personal growth?
Decide to forgive
  • Make the choice to forgive. Emotions will catch up later.
  • An unforgiving heart is an imprisoned heart. As long as you don’t forgive, you are emotionally tied to the attacker and they still have power over you.
  • Call on Jesus! You need Divine help. Bathe yourself in the Word of God. Let His word and truth replace the falsehood that has been spoken over you.
Protect and Immunize.
  • God is your protector and vindicator. Seek Him in Prayer for protection.He will defend you and keep you safe.  Psalms 18:2
  • Let God fight your battles. Remember, the real enemy is the devil. You can’t fight spiritual battles in the flesh. 2 Corinthians 10:4
  • Develop a tough skin and a soft heart.  Some attacks may require a strategic response. Others aren’t even worth the time of day. Pray for discernment to know the difference.

Mean spirited people will always be around, dishing out servings of human venom. Some of that venom will splash your way sometimes. You don’t have to let it infiltrate your life ,though.

The worst you can do is to allow malicious people control your life.


Jesus came to give us abundant life. Let’s chose to live a full and  joyful life in the coming year. No better time than now to prepare for a brand new year, with a prayerful cleanse.

Learn about more ways to detoxify your soul from Cross walk.

Heavenly Father, I come to You with my heart wide open. I have lived in bondage for too long ,  taking in the lies of the enemy. Cleanse me with the water of your Word, which is Truth. Flush out every drop of venom that has infiltrated my heart. Help me to forgive those who have wronged me. Restore to me your joy and hope. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


You can find healing and hope after brokenness.

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