Christmas is the Ultimate “I Love You”



My Village Love Story

Christmas reminds me of the day my husband stepped into my village for the first time. He’s American and I’m from Zambia. We met and got married in the US.  Our wedding was beautiful and I felt like a princess in every way. The only missing part was my extended family who, couldn’t travel to be here.

A couple years after we got married, we decided it was time to go home and introduce my husband to my family. Ron knew I came from a large extended family but the man had no idea what that meant! The introductions started from the day we arrived in Zambia, and pretty much continued for the rest of the month. He was embraced and welcomed in a way that he had never experienced before!

My family also arranged a traditional celebration called ‘matebeto’ . This is basically one huge party where a variety of dishes are cooked and presented to the groom. It’s a way of welcoming the groom to the bride’s family. He got to sample special dishes and recipes that are peculiar to  family and tribe.

The highlight of our trip was the week we spent in the village where I grew up. I took my husband on leisure walks , introducing him to unique wild fruits, back paths and everything that made my childhood so exciting. He got to see who I really was, by visiting where I was from. The wife he knew in the USA came to life in a different way in her village. The place of my childhood and formative years. The place where I spoke a different language, ate different food, greeted people with a double clap and a special bow.

My husband absorbed as much of this experience as he could, perhaps a bit overwhelmed, but also intrigued by everything. He had stepped into my shoes for a while, and got to understand me a little more. There was a chance  he could dislike the “version of me” he met in my village. As it turns out, he loves me for me, no matter which continent I’m standing on! ( What a relief!) He also fell in love with my country and my people.

We would, later return to my home town, to minister there, for several years. Not only did he get to understand me better, he got to understand my culture and my people. Today, when we discuss Zambia, I don’t have to start by building a foundation to the conversation. He already get its it , because he walked and lived with me, among my people.

He has been to the Victoria Falls ( one of the 7 wonders of the world) and Kafue National  Park to see Lions and Elephants. He has seen the most astonishingly beautiful night skies of the southern hemisphere . He’s heard the incredible choirs of toads, crickets and owls, on a pitch black damp night.

Ron has also seen, first hand ,the painful reality of  mothers losing their babies to preventable diseases like malaria and diarrhea. He’s experienced the grief of losing a friend to HIV/AIDS,  and watched countless families grapple with how to raise children with no parents. He understands the unique challenges and joys of living and ministering in Zambia. Consequently, he understands me better. We now have a shared experience that brought us closer.

My husband now understands what keeps me awake at night. He also knows how to pray with me through these burdens.

Understanding someone is a vital expression of love.

You cannot fully love what you don’t fully understand


The Christmas Love Story


Two thousand years ago, Jesus left the glory of heaven and stepped into “our village”. He came to be familiar with our weaknesses . He came to experience life from our perspective. He came to give us hope and way to a beautiful relationship with God. This is why we celebrate Christmas.

  • He experienced the warmth and restraint of a womb as a baby, so a mother struggling with a pregnancy can talk to him about it, knowing he gets it.
  • He went through childhood and teenage years, so the exploring teenager can talk to him about the unique teen age struggles.
  • He experienced the joy of being with children, so he can demonstrate the incredible value of every child, and to show us how we are to emulate them in their innocence;.
  • He was tempted in every way, and yet did not sin, so he can show us victory , when the glittering passions of this world tempt us.
  • He wept at the loss of a close friend Lazarus ,even though he was about to raise him from the dead, so when we weep and bring him our broken hearts, gets it.
  • He came and suffered an unimaginable death, so when we go through intense pain and betrayal, we can weep in his lap, knowing that he gets it.
  • He rose again, to disarm the sting of death, so our biggest fear would be conquered .
  • He came, stepped in our village, wore our flesh, ate our food, spent time with us to show us He gets us and He loves us. The one who made us also knows us inside out. But He chose to step into our shoes ,to show to us the greatest Love.

Christmas is the ULTIMATE “I KNOW YOU”,


For a child has been born to us, a Son has been given to us. He shoulders responsibility and is called Extraordinary Strategist, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of peace.
Isaiah 9:6

Hebrews 4:15
For we don’t have a High Priest who can’t be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, but one who has been in all points tempted like we are yet without sin.

Merry Christmas to you all!



Heavenly Father,

Thank you for loving me beyond my wildest dreams!

You sent your Son to walk a mile in  shoes.

I can come to you with everything and anything

knowing you understand.

I’m forever grateful for your incomparable love.

There is more to this beautiful Love message from God. Here is a link to a clear message on how you can receive this ultimate gift of love and hope. A message of salvation from  Billy Graham .


You can find healing and hope after brokenness.

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