An Open Letter to Encourage the Encourager


Dear Encourager,

I know people see you as upbeat and positive, and so they don’t think you need to be encouraged that much.

You pray for others much longer and deeper than you do for yourself. Your giving is intrinsic and your calling is upward looking. You give expecting nothing in return, except for one thing : peace.

You spot a discouraged soul from a mile. You don’t hesitate to pursue and ask how you can help. You know you don’t have all the answers, but you do know Who holds the answers. So you say a quiet prayer and hope your words will draw them closer to finding hope again. Some people think you are naive and too trusting, and yet you see more in people than you let on.

You advocate for the voiceless and the shunned. You look out for the marginalized, shining a light on their plight . You celebrating their uniqueness and want them included. Some people question your motives and dismiss your efforts, because there is no glamour in your service.


Carry on Encourager , your Heavenly Father watches over you .


You are the first one they call in times of sorrow and betrayal. They know whatever they spill will never flow outside the circle. You are the rare confidant who holds secrets when confidence wanes . You allow your heart to break with the grieving. You go with them to  the cesspool of shame and hurt. You will stay as long as it takes, but you won’t leave them there to self-destruct. You will guide them back to the Light with a smile.

You see a hidden talent before they know it exists. You draw the best out of people who think they have nothing to bring. “Did anybody ever tell you” is the way you introduce people to their greatness. People mistake your complements for flattery and shade. That’s because you see a little dipper beneath the shame.

You see the handprint of God on every face. Color and Culture are but prisms of beauty bouncing off your eyes. You knock down self protective walls with your disarming smile . You speak words of life in rough times with ease. You don’t know how far It will sink but you plant the seed.

You understand the ministry of presence. You know when to speak and when to cease. You know the power of a tender handgrip when words won’t do. You know how to sit for hours in silence, till they know it’s okay to fall apart for a while. With you, there is no harsh judgement, so they do fall apart.


Carry on Encourager, your Heavenly Father watches over you.


You dream big and envision with passion. Your enthusiasm is infectious. You see beauty in the cinders and and sanctity in the ruins. You see buildings in the rubble and sky scrapers on the anthills. People mistake your dreams for pipe dreams. Only time will tell, what will flourish and what will perish.

You invite people to live beyond mediocrity. Your mantra is “ why stop here when we can do better? You aim to leave this place better,cleaner and greater than you found it.

You sense conflict and discord before it matures. Your heart breaks when there is no unity. You do your best to bring warring hands to shake on it. Your scars from the crossfire still inspires. They mistake your bravery for spineless cowardice. But, you’re not deterred by myopic views , that pass judgement without  intimate knowledge.

You see the best in people . In your rear view mirror, there is always a silver lining, even on  the darkest of clouds. You’re acutely aware of your own weaknesses and sins, to the point of emotional paralysis. Your own limitations are like mountains you climb every day. But climb you do, to aid another.

You smile even when there is a raging storm in your heart. Not because you’re faking it, but because you know what a smile and a hug could do for you.  A nod here and a bow  there, is all a soul needs sometimes to make it to another day.

You look like you have it all together, your home is in order and your finances are solid . So, what could you possibly need? It takes another sensitive soul to know your story. For you,there is another Encourager assigned. Your heavenly Father mapped it that way. For every Encourager, there is an Encourager. Receive the encouragement and be energized to carry on.


Carry on Encourager , your Heavenly Father watches you over you.


For the hugs you give and still go back to a lonely home.

For the life-giving letters you write, not knowing where they end up.

For the tears you wipe when yours drench your pillow nightly.

For the fanning of other people’s dreams, while you take one for the team.

For all the accusations, suspicions and bruising  in the crossfire………

None of it goes unnoticed by our All -Seeing Loving Father, who honors every effort done for His glory. Take some rest  in God’s presence. Find your joy,  sustenance and affirmation in Him. Don’t give up! There is yet another soul to encourage and bring into the Light and Hope.

For all the Encouragers who feel discouraged today, be encouraged ! Your Heavenly Father watches over you. Carry on Warriors. You have a job to do!

With prayers for courage to encourage,


Zephaniah 3:17
The Lord your God is in your midst;
He is a warrior who can deliver.
He takes great delight in you;
He renews you by his love;
He shouts for joy over you.


You can find healing and hope after brokenness.

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